24HR Helpline: (510) 839-8900 - East Bay Intergroup



Special Business Meeting, 5:30 PM Pacific Time, January 20th: All ECF members, especially all secretaries, are invited to a special business meeting at 5:30 PM (Pacific Time) next Monday, Jan. 20 to decide on how to revise our meeting script, Please come and help us make our basic meeting script work best!

ECF BUSINESS MEETINGS ARE HELD ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH: Our next regular meeting is Monday, February 10th, 2025 from 5:30 to 6:45 PM. To suggest an agenda item please contact business.manager@ecfaa.org.

PLEASE JOIN OUR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION ON Saturday, January 25th AT 9:00 AM (Pacific Time), as we celebrate sobriety birthdays and milestones!

To request a birthday chip, contact birthday.chips@ecfaa.org. Include your full name, address, and the chip (months or years of sobriety) you are requesting.

Our next First Thursday Workshop of 2025 will be on February 6th: This year we will be discussing AA’s 12 Promises, aka the 9th Step Promises, and what it means to be “painstaking about this phase of our development.

On February 6th, we will discuss Promise 2: “We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.

Please join us on the 6th at 5:30 PM (Pacific Time).

SPONSORSHIP: If you are currently available to be a sponsor, please type your name and the word "sponsor" with your phone number in the chat box at any online meeting. More information is available in the pamphlet  "Questions and Answers on Sponsorship" at aa.org. Another way to find a sponsor: listen to others in several different meetings. Sponsors will have more than a year sobriety; have a sponsor; have “worked the steps” and are available to be a mentor for you.

H&I SERVICE: AA members are needed to take A.A. meetings into jails, recovery centers, shelters and hospitals. This is 12th Step work at its most basic and vital, and a great opportunity to bring our program of hope to those who may be truly suffering. “It is the great paradox of A.A. that we know we can seldom keep the precious gift of sobriety unless we give it away”. (12&12, p. 151).

See the Area 53 (Oakland/Alameda) Roster for opportunities. Attend an orientation on Zoom on the first Wednesday each month at 6:30.
Meeting ID: 317 259 5765
Passcode: ACTION

Please contact our H&I Rep at handi@ecfaa.org if you have any questions or need more info.

NEWCOMER LITERATURE: If you are new and need literature, please contact literature@ecfaa.org for a newcomer packet.

COURT CARDS - ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION: Send an email to secretary.coordinator@ecfaa.org. Include your name, date and time of the meeting you attended, and name of the meeting secretary. Your attendance will be verified within 24 hours.

ECF Bulletin Board

East Bay Intergroup Info (eastbayaa.org):

You're in the Right Place! Newcomer/Beginner's meeting sponsored by East Bay Intergroup

*Attendance Confirmation Available*

This meeting meets Sundays and Tuesdays at 7pm, using the same Zoom ID and password.

Visit EBI's Newcomer Page for more information about AA and attend Newcomer Meetings

Online, Sundays 7pm
Meeting ID: 857 4415 2693
Password: 471197

Call the 24 hour Helpline:
English: 510-839-8900
Español:  510-502-8560
Email: help@eastbayaa.org.

Always confidential,  always no cost.

Volunteers needed.  Email phonechair@eastbayaa.org to volunteer or for more information.

East Bay AA Newsletter
Subscription Link: https://eastbayaa.org/subscribe/

H&I Downloads

The purpose of the Hospitals and Institutions Committee is to help the alcoholic who is confined.

See the current Area 53 H&I Roster .

Please contact our H&I Rep at handi@ecfaa.org if you have any questions or need more info.

A program developed by H&I: Sponsoring AA members inside San Quentin and other State prisons
Take part in carrying the message to confined members. H&I Area 53 is launching a new Inside Visiting Sponsorship Service pilot program. Our goal is to match members confined at medium to long-term rehab facilities who are looking for sponsors. Details are in the flier at this link.

ECF Business Manager,
if you have AA-related activities or announcements that you would like to have posted on the Fellowship bulletin board